World / Asia-Pacific

China reaffirms its effort on Korean peninsular denuclearization

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-01-22 20:32

BEIJING - China reaffirmed its effort on promoting denuclearization and stability on the Korean peninsula on Friday.

"China has always been a supporter to the international nuclear non-proliferation regime, a contributor to peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and a promoter of resolving issues via dialogue," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei said at a daily press briefing in response to a question about an article by two American scholars hailing China's role on the peninsular nuclear issue.

The article, published in the South China Morning Post on Wednesday, was written by American political historian John Kotch and Columbia University professor Charles Armstrong, who said the world should be thanking China, not rebuking it, for its role on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

The two wrote that Beijing has used dialogue, not confrontation, over the past 40 years to promote denuclearization and stability on the Korean peninsula.

"China adheres to achieving denuclearization of the peninsula and has made its due efforts," Hong said.

China hopes relevant parties could adhere to their responsibilities and obligations so as to work for an early solution to the Korean peninsula nuclear issue, Hong said.

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