World / China-US

Chinese FM and Kerry hold talks to eliminate strategic doubts

By Zhang Yunbi ( Updated: 2016-01-27 11:06
Chinese FM and Kerry hold talks to eliminate strategic doubts

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (R) shakes hands with visiting United States Secretary of State John Kerry in Beijing Jan 27, 2016.[Photo by Feng Yongbin/]

Foreign Minister Wang Yi started talks with visiting United States Secretary of State John Kerry this morning, and voiced hope that the ongoing visit will "strengthen our strategic mutual trust" and "eliminate strategic doubts".

Kerry's two-day visit to China began Tuesday. The two sides will exchange ideas on bilateral relations and other issues of common concern, according to Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

Wang noted the great public attention to Kerry's ongoing China visit and the huge interest on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue and the South China Sea issue.

"We are ready to exchange views with the US on all the issues of common concern to boost our mutual understanding," Wang said.

Wang added that a deepened discussion is expected to further implement the important outcomes reached during President Xi Jinping's US visit last September.

"I hope during this visit, we can strengthen our strategic mutual trust, eliminate strategic doubts and deepen our strategic cooperation in various fields in order to give a good start to China-US ties this year," Wang said.

Wang noted the tight schedule for Kerry's ongoing Asia trip. He said Beijing is glad to see Kerry is visiting Laos and Cambodia and that US ties with the two countries are further improved and developed.

"In Asia, there are not only your allies, but also many important countries. So visiting those countries will help you perceive the situation in Asia on a more comprehensive basis and learn from the opinions of various parties in a more objective manner," Wang said.

Kerry said China and the US have been able to find a level of new cooperation with respect to a number of issues, including the Iran nuclear issue, counterterrorism, climate change and Ebola. "So we found important common grounds," he said.

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