World / Asia-Pacific

China regrets over DPRK's satellite launch

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-02-08 00:35

BEIJING -- China expressed regrets on the launch by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) of an earth observation satellite Sunday morning, calling for calm on the Korean Peninsula.

"The DPRK should be entitled to peaceful use of outer space, but this right is currently restricted by United Nations Security Council resolutions," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said.

"Scientists and technicians of the DPRK National Aerospace Development Administration succeeded in putting the newly developed earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4 into its orbit according to the 2016 plan of the 5-year program for national aerospace development," the DPRK state media KCNA reported.

The Republic of Korea (ROK) has denounced the launch, calling for stronger sanctions against Pyongyang, and the United States also condemned the launch, saying it represents "another destabilizing and provocative action" and is "a flagrant violation" of multiple UN Security Council resolutions.

The UN Security Council is to convene a closed-door emergency session to discuss the launch.

China was regretted that the DPRK insisted on the launch using the ballistic missile technology despite universal opposition of the international community, the spokesperson said.

The launch, the first since December 2012, came one month after the DPRK tested what it claimed to be its first hydrogen bomb. Countries including the United States and the ROK have sought fresh sanctions since the nuclear test on Jan. 6.

Hua called all sides concerned to "remain calm, act cautiously, take no moves that could escalate tension on the peninsula, and make joint efforts to safeguard regional peace and stability."

According to the spokesperson, Chinese deputy foreign minister Liu Zhenmin lodged representations to the DPRK's Ambassador to China Ji Jae Ryong on Sunday over the satellite launch and made clear China's stance.

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