World / Asia-Pacific

China voices opposition to THAAD deployment in ROK

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-03-01 03:06

BEIJING -- China has reiterated its opposition to deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), an advanced US missile defense system, in the Republic of Korea (ROK) as a special envoy visited the ROK.

Wu Dawei, China's special representative on Korean Peninsular affairs, started a visit to the ROK on Sunday and met with Hwang Joon-kook, ROK special representative for Korean Peninsula peace and security affairs, who is also Seoul's top envoy to the six-party talks.

Wu also met with Cho Tae-yong, Deputy Chief of the ROK Presidential National Security Office, and first vice Foreign Minister Lim Sung-nam, according to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei on Monday.

"The two sides have agreed to support the UN Security Council to pass a new resolution on DPRK's nuclear test and satellite launch, and make joint efforts to safeguard peace and stability on the peninsula and advance Sino-ROK strategic partnership," said Hong.

Wu stressed that China is opposed to deployment of the US THAAD in the ROK, and hopes the ROK would take China's concern seriously, said Hong.

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