World / Asia-Pacific

Nepal hopes PM Oli's China trip can boost bilateral ties

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-03-21 09:39
KATHMANDU - Nepali Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli Sunday left for a week-long visit to China; Nepali politicians have expressed the hope that the visit will further enhance bilateral economic ties.

Chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist) Mohan Baidhya stressed the need for enhancing connectivity between Nepal and China.

"The two countries should work closely on wide-ranging areas such as energy, transportation, education, health and tourism to promote people to people relations," he added.

Baidhya was of the view that China's Belt and Road initiative will greatly benefit neighboring countries like Nepal.
"It is imperative that Nepal should make an action plan on how to be benefited substantially with China's initiative," he added.

Rabindra Adhikari, who is from the ruling CPN-UML, said Nepal should attract more Chinese investment. He also noted that Nepal should ask its neighbors to construct the north-south highways through Nepal.

Suresh Acharya from the ruling Rastriya Prajatantra Party (Nepal) said Nepal should focus on expanding long-term economic cooperation and connectivity with China.

Former Chief Secretary Leela Mani Paudyal said Nepal can benefit from China's Belt and Road initiative, adding that Nepal should work toward developing infrastructure.
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