World / Middle East

China's envoy to Syria promises further efforts to resolve crisis

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-04-21 22:00

DAMASCUS -- China's envoy to Syria, Xie Xiaoyan, stressed on Thursday that China will continue to help push all parties in Syria to reach a solution for the long-running conflict.

"China will continue to exert efforts to push all parties to reach a solution to the Syrian issue with thoughts and wisdom," Xie, who is currently on a visit to Syria, told reporters here in Damascus.

He said all parties must cling to dialogue and negotiations to reach a political solution, and most importantly they should have patience and trust.

"All parties must undertake all measures to tighten the gap so that they could find a solution taking into consideration all concerns of the Syrians," he said.

The envoy's remarks came after his meeting with Syria's Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, who stressed that the Syrian government and people are carrying on with the war on terror.

China appointed Xie Xiaoyan as a special envoy for the Syrian issue late last month, indicating a more active role in addressing the conflict.

Xie, former ambassador to Iran and Ethiopia as well as China's representative to the African Union, has a rich understanding of Middle East affairs.

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