World / Asia-Pacific

China warns Philippines against 'blackmailing' on S. China Sea

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-05-10 10:18

BEIJING - China will never "bully" small countries, nor will it tolerate "blackmail" on the South China Sea issue, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said in Beijing on Monday.

Spokesman Lu Kang made the remarks at a daily press briefing in response to claims that the Philippines initiated arbitration due to the two countries' very unequal strengths which makes it unable to solve maritime delimitation disputes with China through dialogue.

"Such an argument confuses right and wrong and reminds us of the so-called theory of original sin of major powers," said Lu.

Calling the rhetoric "obviously from those who attempt to smear China", Lu said the logic behind the rhetoric is that "a strong nation is bound to seek hegemony".

China adheres to the path of peaceful development and follows a national defense policy that is defensive in nature, said Lu.

China persists in building good-neighborly relationships and partnerships with its neighbors and in solving disputes through dialogue and negotiation, he said.

Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China has successfully solved boundary issues with 12 of its 14 land neighbors via consultation in accordance with historical facts, on the basis norms of international law, said Lu.

The entire length of demarcated and delineated boundary has reached 20,000 kilometers, which accounts for 90 percent of China's total land boundary, he added.

Another example is that China and Vietnam delineated the maritime boundary in the Beibu Gulf via negotiations, Lu said.

China knows its responsibility and obligation to safeguard regional peace and stability, said Lu.

Stressing that China has dealt with the South China Sea issue in a constructive way, Lu said the door for dialogue has always been open.

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