World / Asia-Pacific

IS leader in Afghanistan killed in US drone strike

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-08-13 14:48

JALALABAD, Afghanistan - The top leader of Islamic State (IS) group in Afghanistan Hafiz Mohammad Sayed was killed by a US airstrike in eastern Afghanistan, Afghan officials confirmed Saturday.

"Hafiz Sayed, the notorious leader of IS group in Afghanistan along with 23 of his fighters was killed in US drone strike in Kot district of the eastern Nangarhar province on July 26," spokesman of 201 Silab Corps in eastern region, said Major Shirin Agha.

He added that after the death of Hafiz Sayed, another IS leader Sheikh Mohammad Hasibullah has succeeded the late Hafiz Sayed and presently leading IS fighters.

Hafiz Sayed, who had made allegiance to the self-claimed caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of IS in Iraq and Syria last year, according to media reports, had served as the Amir or supreme leader of the ultra-extremist group in Khorasan branch of IS which covers Afghanistan, Pakistan and parts of central Asian states.

Pentagon officials confirmed the death of Sayed on Friday.

Meantime, spokesman for Nangarhar provincial government Attaullah Khogiani avoided commenting on the death of Hafiz Sayed.

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