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Peru to attract global attention with upcoming APEC Week

Xinhua | Updated: 2016-11-09 11:21

LIMA - Peru is set to be the focus of global attention for the week starting Nov 14, when the 2016 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Meeting gets underway.

Under the theme of "Quality growth and human development," the 21 member economies of APEC will seek to make decisions to facilitate trade and investment as well as consolidate liberalization policies.

During the week, APEC leaders and government officials will focus on the modernization of micro, small and medium-sized companies within the territory and their inclusion into global value chains, the strengthening of regional food market and food security, human capital development and regional economic integration.

The APEC members also aim to coordinate their stances on the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) during the meeting.

Meanwhile, in the APEC CEO Summit, a parallel business forum, a number of high-profile business leaders are set to make relevant advice and recommendations to the participating world leaders.

There will also be an informal dialogue between APEC leaders and presidents of the countries within the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru). The first such a meeting was held during the 2015 APEC Week in the Philippines.

The 21 members of APEC account for 39 percent of world population, 57 percent of global GDP and 49 percent of global trade.

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