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First US-Havana commercial flight lands amid uncertainty about Trump's Cuba policy

Xinhua | Updated: 2016-11-29 13:36

US media reported Trump's aides said nothing on Cuba has been decided.

However, a change to reverse the existing course is expected to face pressure from advocates of the detente and the business people.

The US daily commercial flights bound for Cuban cities and more expected for Havana represent a US corporate investment in the island as well as economic interests on both sides.

The flights to Cuba are "the key thing to watch," said Darrell West, senior fellow at the famous Washington-based think tank Brookings Institution. "That is where the greatest opening took place and it is the ones where companies already have invested the most."

"Trump has appointed hardliners to his administration so he may well reverse Obama's policies," West said, while noting the possibility of a moderate approach by Trump.

"His background as a developer of hotels, casinos, and resorts may guide his instincts on this issue in favor of further investment in Cuba," he said.


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