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DPRK leader conveys condolences over passing of Fidel Castro

Xinhua | Updated: 2016-11-29 13:47

DPRK leader conveys condolences over passing of Fidel Castro

Top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong Un visits the Cuban embassy in Pyongyang to express condolences over the passing of Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro. [Photo/IC]

PYONGYANG -- Top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong Un has visited the Cuban embassy in Pyongyang to express condolences over the passing of Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, the official news agency KCNA reported Tuesday.

Kim sent a wreath there and paid silent tribute to Castro. He left a message in the book for mourners, which reads: "Though the outstanding leader passed away, his name and feats will always be remembered by all of us."

Kim then sent his condolences to Cuban Ambassador to the DPRK Jesus De Los Angeles Aise Sotolongo and other embassy officials.

"The demise of Fidel Castro Ruz is a great loss for the parties, governments and peoples of the two countries," the state media quoted his words.

Kim said he believed that the Cuban people would overcome the grief over the loss of their distinguished leader, certainly build a prospering ideal society and win the victory of the socialist cause under the wise guidance of President Raul Castro.

On Sunday, Kim sent a message of condolence to Raul Castro, who is also first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, over the passing of Fidel Castro.

Fidel Castro died late Friday at the age of 90. The organizing committee of Fidel Castro's funeral said his ashes will be interred on Sunday after Cubans from all over the island pay their tributes to him.


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