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China opposed to unilateral sanctions, ministry says

By Mo Jingxi | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2016-12-02 18:01

China opposes unilateral sanctions outside the UN Security Council framework, and resolutely opposes them when China's legitimate interests are harmed, Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said on Friday.

On Friday, both the Republic of Korea and Japan said they would impose new unilateral sanctions on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea over its nuclear and ballistic missile tests, after the United Nations Security Council adopted a new resolution against Pyongyang on Wednesday.

"China is always opposed to unilateral sanctions on a country outside the framework of the UN Security Council's sanctions, and even more opposed to any party harming China's legitimate interests through unilateral sanctions," he told a daily press conference in Beijing.

He noted the complex and sensitive situation on the Korean Peninsula and urged related parties to avoid mutual stimulation, conflicts and tensions.

"We hope related parties could act with caution," he added.

Contact the writer at mojingxi@chinadaily.com.cn

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