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UN envoy seeks more deliberation on Syria

By WANG LINYAN in New York | Xinhua | Updated: 2016-12-06 12:52

A senior Chinese envoy on Monday urged the Security Council to remain united and play a constructive role in the early political settlement of the Syria issue.

Liu Jieyi, Chinese permanent representative to the United Nations, made the remarks after the 15-nation council voted on a draft resolution calling for a seven-day ceasefire in Syria's Aleppo for humanitarian aid.

The Security Council did not adopt the draft resolution proposed by Egypt, New Zealand and Spain because Russia and China vetoed it. The text received 11 in favor, three against (China, Russia and Venezuela), with Angola abstaining.

Liu said the draft resolution contains concrete measures for alleviating suffering in Syria, and Security Council members have made great efforts to reach a consensus.

"These efforts could have been continued so the council can give one voice and avoid the politicization of the humanitarian issue," Liu said.

He said taking actions on a draft resolution while there exist major differences among related parties is not conducive to the diplomatic efforts by related countries or to the improvement of the situation in Syria.

The international community should adhere to the general direction of political solution to Syria issue, push it back to the track of seeking solution through dialogue and consultation and find the fundamental way to end the conflict as soon as possible, he said.

Security Council actions on Syria should be helpful to the four-track work of resumption of ceasefire, political peace talks, anti-terrorism cooperation and humanitarian relief, he added.

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