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Wang vows growing global role for China, deeper ties with UN

By Fu Jing in Geneva | China Daily | Updated: 2016-12-13 07:22

 Wang vows growing global role for China, deeper ties with UN

IOC President Thomas Bach introduces the Olympic Museum to Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Lausanne, Switzerland, on Sunday, beside a statue of Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympics.Peng Dawei / For China Daily

Foreign minister reaffirms Beijing's commitments to world organizations

Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Switzerland-based international organizations on Sunday and pledged that China will enhance cooperation with them to further uphold global governance amid a complicated world situation.

Wang stressed the commitments during talks with Michael Moller, director-general of the United Nations Office in Geneva; Margaret Chan, director-general of the World Health Organization; and Thomas Bach, president of the Lausanne-based International Olympic Committee.

The foreign minister met on Monday with Swiss President Johann Schneider-Ammann and Doris Leuthard, who will be president for one year beginning in January. Both visited China this year.

"Against the backdrop that the global situation is continuously becoming more complicated, the role of the United Nations can only be strengthened instead of weakened," Wang said while meeting with Moller.

Wang vows growing global role for China, deeper ties with UN

Wang said China has attached great importance to cooperation with the UN and will deepen such cooperation.

"China is a strong supporter of multilateralism and activities of the United Nations," he added.

Wang noted that Geneva was where China made its global debut, referring to premier Zhou Enlai leading a delegation to the Geneva Conference in April 1954.

"The UN office in Geneva has played an important role in helping China in opening-up and reform drives and its development, and China has contributed to global peace and development through the UN in Geneva," Wang said.

Moller agreed with Wang, saying multilateralism and international cooperation are the solutions to worsening conflicts and disputes.

"The UN has also attached great importance to China's role and influence in dealing with international affairs," Moller said. "And we hope to strengthen cooperation with China."

During the meeting with Chan of the WHO, Wang vowed that China will continue to support her organization. "In coping with global challenges, the WHO will further play a core and leading role and China will support it," he added.

Chan thanked Wang for Beijing's support for the recent global health promotion conference in China, which she said was an important step toward bringing to fruition the health objectives listed in the UN's 2030 sustainable development goals.

"China has set an excellent example in poverty alleviation and health undertakings, and I believe it will contribute more to improving global public health and sustainable development," Chan said.

She added that her organization is willing to strengthen cooperation with China on the Belt and Road Initiative, which was proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013. This year, Xi enriched the initiative by injecting elements of health cooperation and green development.

In meeting with International Olympic Committee President Bach in Lausanne, Wang said China is willing to strengthen cooperation with the IOC while upholding the Olympic spirit.

Wang, noting China's success in hosting the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, said: "With the all-out efforts of the Chinese people and the substantial help of the IOC, I am confident that the 2022 Winter Olympics will be another huge success." The Games will be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou.

Bach said, "The IOC will be a full helping hand in delivering a fruitful 2022 Winter Olympics, while expecting to team up on further cooperation with China."



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