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Iran, IAEA discuss nuclear-powered boats program

Xinhua | Updated: 2016-12-18 21:23

TEHRAN - Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi said here Sunday that his talks with the visiting director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were focused on Tehran's programs to develop nuclear propulsion systems of boats announced recently.

IAEA Chief, Yukiya Amano, arrived in Iran's capital Tehran on Sunday to discuss the implementation of Iranian nuclear deal, known as JCPOA, and the related issues with the senior Iranian officials.

Salehi said that his talks with Amano on Sunday revolved around Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's recent order for reaction to the US "violation of the JCPOA," after the US legislators passed a bill extending Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) for 10 more years.

The earlier vote by the US House of Representatives to extend the ISA was endorsed by the Senate last week.

The White House said in a statement on Thursday that the bill renewing the ISA was becoming law without US President Barack Obama's signature.

The White House said that an extension of the bill "is entirely consistent with" the US commitments in the Iran nuclear deal reached in July 2015.

The ISA was first adopted in 1996 to sanction Iran over its controversial nuclear program.

In a letter to Salehi on Tuesday, Rouhani said that "The United States has not fully delivered its commitments in the JCPOA," asking Iranian nuclear scientists to start developing systems for nuclear-powered boats in marine transportation.

In the letter, he also demanded the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran to plan for designing and manufacturing nuclear propeller to be used in marine transportation with the help of scientific and research centers.

Also, they need to conduct study and design production of fuel to be used by the nuclear propeller with the help of scientific and research centers, the letter read.

Enrichment of uranium to run the nuclear propellers may vary from a purity of 5 percent to 90 percent, depending on its type, the purpose and the time available, Salehi said, stressing that all such activities will be carried out in conformity with the Safeguard Agreements.

The Iranian nuclear chief also denied that Amano has passed on a message from the United States to the Iranians.

He also pointed out that the IAEA should remain an impartial and independent body without coming under the influence of any party.

Amano will also discuss Iran and IAEA cooperation in technical and safeguard aspects as well as the state of the implementation of the JCPOA.

This is the second visit by the head of IAEA to Tehran following the clinch of the nuclear deal between Iran and the world powers in July 2015 and its implementation in January.

The deal between Iran and six world major countries, namely the United States, Britain, China, Russia, France and Germany, on the former's nuclear issue put Iran on the path of sanctions relief but more strict limits on its nuclear program.

The deal sets limits on Iran's nuclear activities and allows regular inspections of the facilities inside the Islamic republic.

In return, the US and the European Union will suspend nuclear-related sanctions against Iran.

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