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Full text: Premier Li's keynote speech at the 6th China-CEEC Business Forum

fmprc.gov.cn | Updated: 2016-11-08 15:41

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The slower-than-expected world economic recovery and record-low level of global trade for 30 years have brought difficulties and challenges to the development of all countries. The successful G20 Hangzhou Summit held last September underscored the importance of building an open world economy, reviving the twin engines of international trade and investment, and creating opportunities for more people to benefit from economic growth in a globalized world. China stands ready to work with CEE countries to steer economic globalization forward by advancing trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and rejecting trade and investment protectionism. And we should expand practical cooperation in various fields to boost our own development and contribute to world economic recovery.

— We need to scale up two-way trade. This requires efforts to foster an enabling trade and investment environment, build sound communication and coordination mechanisms on customs, inspection and quarantine, and develop new ways of trade such as cross-border e-commerce. China does not pursue trade surpluses with CEE countries. We are willing to import more high-quality agricultural products and marketable industrial products from you, and we welcome the participation of CEEC businesses in various exhibitions in China to promote their products and brands. We also hope that relevant countries would take more active measures on market access and business visas and provide more facilitation for Chinese products and businesses to access CEE countries.

—We need to accelerate efforts for greater connectivity. China encourages well-established businesses to be involved in diversified ways in the infrastructure development in CEE countries. We will work for the early completion of the Budapest-Belgrade railway and the China-Europe Land-Sea Express Line and put in place an artery that spans the CEE region. We support efforts to develop transport pathways between Asia and Europe, increase the number of freight train services between China and Europe, set up more logistic centers in CEE countries and bolster the role of CEE countries as the hub of the Eurasian Land Bridge.

— We need to deepen cooperation on production capacity. China is ready to build industrial and technological parks with CEE countries, conduct cooperation on deep processing of agricultural products, help CEE countries raise their level of industrialization and the value of their farm produce, thereby enhancing their capacity for sustainable development. China can offer high-quality and cost-effective equipment and production capacity supported by mature technologies and services. CEE countries are working to speed up industrialization. And Western European countries boast advanced technologies and managerial expertise. When we combine the strengths of the three parties, it could lead to all-win outcomes.

— We need to explore innovative modalities of financial cooperation. I would like to announce here that the 16+1 financial holding company I proposed last year in Suzhou has been officially established. Led by the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the company is expected to raise funds from global markets through commercial operations. The company, which will be bound by EU provisions on sovereign debt of its members, will mainly finance connectivity and production capacity cooperation projects under the "16+1" framework for the purchase of Chinese equipment and products.

— We need to tap the potential for tourism cooperation. We need to further relax visa policies, simplify border entry procedures, open more direct flights and provide better services to tourists. China looks forward to doubling the number of mutual visits between China and CEE countries in the coming five years and deepening cultural exchanges, which will bring our peoples closer to each other and create new highlights for our cooperation.

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