World / Latest News

Time for ASEM to play its essential role

[2016-07-16 09:03]

The summit in Ulan Bator should revive ASEM so that it can help increase Asia's and Europe's understanding of a complicated and turbulent world.

ASEM summit concludes in Mongolia with declaration to enhance connectivity

[2016-07-17 07:36]

The 11th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit concluded Saturday in the Mongolian capital with a chair's statement and an Ulan Bator Declaration that emphasizes the need to promote connectivity.

Premier Li wins backing over South China Sea at ASEM Summit

[2016-07-17 07:23]

The South China Sea arbitration award will have no impact on the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime interests, says Premier Li in Mongolia.

Chinese premier returns from Mongolia visit, ASEM summit

[2016-07-16 20:46]

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang returned to Beijing on Saturday afternoon after his four-day trip to Mongolia.

China to advance communication, coordination with Bulgaria: Chinese premier

[2016-07-16 19:21]

China stands ready to further communication and coordination with Bulgaria within the framework for cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said Saturday.

China seeks for balanced trade with Netherlands: premier

[2016-07-16 19:19]

China seeks for more balanced trade with the Netherlands by encouraging more investment into the Netherlands and importing more quality products from the European country, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said here Saturday.

Chinese premier urges EU to drop Surrogate Country approach on schedule

[2016-07-16 17:49]

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Saturday called on the European Union to fulfill its obligation to drop the Surrogate Country approach used in its anti-dumping measures against Chinese exports.

Chinese premier urges 'smooth transition' of Britain-EU ties

[2016-07-16 17:46]

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Saturday called for "smooth transition" of ties between Britain and the European Union (EU) in the wake of the former's vote last month to leave the bloc.

Chinese premier voices support for Myanmar's economic development

[2016-07-16 17:45]

China is willing to strengthen cooperation with Myanmar in support of the southeast Asian nation's economic development and improvement of its people's livelihood, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said Saturday.

Chinese premier urges joint actions against terrorism

[2016-07-16 17:39]

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Saturday called for joint actions against terrorism to root out the global scourge following a deadly truck attack that claimed more than 80 lives in Nice, France, on Thursday.

South China Sea arbitration award has no impact on China's territorial sovereignty

[2016-07-16 14:42]

The South China Sea arbitration award will have no impact whatsoever on China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea, says Premier Li.

Li, other global leaders watch Naadam in Mongolia

[2016-07-16 10:06]

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang watch the traditional Naadam performances with other world leaders on the sideline of the 11th Asia-Europe Meeting.

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