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China will not recognize 'illegal' arbitration decisions, envoy says

By Li Wensha and Wang Mingjie in London ( Updated: 2016-07-19 21:25


China will neither recognize nor implement the ruling from unilaterally initiated arbitration by the Philippines on the South China Sea issue as well as further similar arbitration cases, as they are illegal and not based on historic facts, a top Chinese diplomat said.

"I always regard this arbitration as poison as it is a negative example for teaching international law," Chinese Ambassador to the United Kingdom Liu Xiaoming said at a press briefing in London on Tuesday.

He said China has always respected international law; however, the ruling violated the basic purpose of UNCLOS, caused further tensions between countries, and denied the use of diplomatic channels for negotiations.

He hoped no country will take the ruling seriously and make further claims based on the decision because China regards it as illegal.

"If new claims are made based upon this ruling, they will be regarded as new illegal actions that will further endanger regional peace," he said.

The arbitral tribunal, appointed by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, ruled on July 12 that China has no "historic title" over the South China Sea.

Liu reiterated the Chinese government's commitment to resolving disputes through direct negotiations, but said its national sovereignty and maritime interests will not be influenced under any circumstances by The Hague ruling.

He believes the ruling should not be taken as the basis for future negotiation.

He urged the Philippines over the role of the so-called allies as "super powers come and go, but neighbors are more important because you have to live with them in the region."

Nearly 1,000 people from Chinese community in the UK gathered in front of the Philippine Embassy and the US Embassy in London on Saturday to protest against the illegal ruling of the arbitral tribunal and show support to the Chinese Government.

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