World / China-Czech

President Xi's Czech visit: Open new chapter for bilateral relations

( Updated: 2016-03-29 16:31

President Xi's Czech visit: Open new chapter for bilateral relations

At the invitation of President Milos Zeman of the Czech Republic, Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Prague to start his state visit on March 28.

This is the first visit of China's head of state to the nation since the establishment of diplomatic relations 67 years ago. It's Xi's first visit to a Central-Eastern European country and to Europe in 2016, which is expected to open a new chapter for bilateral relations.

The Czech Republic is an important country in Central-Eastern Europe and European Union, and a major country player under the "Belt and Road" initiative, which holds an important strategic position to push for the "16 + 1 cooperation" and China-EU relations.

Xi had published a signed article, "Time to Renew and Energize China-Czech Ties" in the Pravo Daily on Saturday. He expressed support for future development of bilateral relations.

President Xi and Czech leaders are expected to engage in sincere, in-depth exchange of views, promote the "Belt and Road"initiative, "16+1 cooperation", China-EU relations, international and regional issues of common concern. Both sides will sign many cooperation agreements.

Bilateral relations would usher in a new chapter in history. "16 + 1 cooperation" and China-EU relations will gain new momentum.

By Xu Xiujun, deputy director of International Politics and Ecomonics Department, Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; cartoon drawing by Wang Dongjie

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