World / Nuclear Security Summit

Cartoon commentary, President Xi attends nuclear security summit: China shows a major country's responsibility of global nuclear security governance

[2016-04-03 19:43]

On April 1 US local time, Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) and delivered a speech entitled "Strengthen Global Nuclear Security Architecture and Promote Global Nuclear Security Governance".

President Xi's proposals show resolve in nuclear security: experts

[2016-04-03 19:22]

Chinese President Xi Jinping's proposals at the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) demonstrate China's resolve against nuclear terrorism and will boost world confidence in nuclear energy development, experts said on Sunday.

Chinese president back home after Czech visit, nuclear security summit

[2016-04-03 00:58]

Chinese President Xi Jinping returned to Beijing on Saturday after his state visit to the Czech Republic and attendance at the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in the United States.

Cartoon commentary, President Xi attends nuclear security summit①: Xi-Obama meeting boosts Sino-US relations

[2016-04-02 18:50]

On March 31 US local time, Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama held a one-on-one meeting on the sidelines of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit at the Washington Convention Center. It's their first meeting this year, which has attracted the world's attention.

Xi urges strict supervision, prompt response to counter nuclear terrorism

[2016-04-02 12:07]

President Xi Jinping on Friday called for strict source control and enhanced supervision over nuclear materials and quick emergency response to battle nuclear terrorism worldwide.

Xi stresses dialogue, cooperation in dispute settlement

[2016-04-02 11:45]

President Xi Jinping said on Friday that the solution of the Iranian nuclear issue has provided inspiration for settlement of other hot issues, stressing dialogue and cooperation among major countries.

President Xi concludes US trip after attending NSS

[2016-04-02 10:37]

President Xi Jinping wrapped up a productive trip to the US capital and departed for home on Friday evening after attending the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS).

China center on nuclear security to promote int'l cooperation

[2016-04-02 10:19]

China stands ready to make good use of a new nuclear security center to enhance bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the field of nuclear security, a Chinese nuclear energy official said Friday.

New laws aim at ensuring nuclear safety

[2016-04-02 07:58]

China's top legislature is studying a possible new law aimed at ensuring the safety of the nuclear industry, a senior lawmaker has said.

Leaders say working together on security crucial for stability

[2016-04-02 07:58]

China and the United States pledged on Thursday to step up their cooperation in nuclear security.

Presidents promise that Paris deal will be approved

[2016-04-02 07:58]

China and the United States announced on Thursday that they will sign the Paris climate agreement on April 22, as the world's two largest greenhouse gas emitters continue to strengthen their cooperation to combat climate change.

China and ROK should 'maintain momentum'

[2016-04-02 07:58]

Relationship with Seoul a priority in Beijing's neighborhood diplomacy

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