World / China-Iran

First China-Iran dialogue on 'Belt and Road' opens in Tehran

By Chen Yingqun ( Updated: 2016-01-23 16:11

With President Xi Jinping starting his state visit to Iran on January 23, the China-Iran Think Tank Dialogue on "Belt and Road" was held in Tehran simultaneously.

This was reportedly the first China-Iran Think Tank Dialogue on the topic of "Belt and Road" organized by the government and academic organizations.

The Chinese government attaches great importance to developing closer relations with Iran because the bilateral ties are of great strategic significance and carry huge potential development, said Tian Jinchen, Secretary of Western Region Development Department of NDRC and who is responsible for promoting "Belt and Road"in the central government.

He said China is willing to work together with Iran, focusing on implementation of "Five Connectivity Goals"under the framework of "Belt and Road". The two countries would jointly explore mutual complementary advantages in related fields, and develop a suitable cooperation mode to build community of responsibility, destiny and common interests.

Wu Fulai, vice-chairman of Renmin University council, said that President Xi's visit would become a landmark event as the political situation of Middle East is at a turning point. As the outreach event of Xi's visit to Iran, the dialogue would also create history.

"This think tank meeting will record huge achievements in the China-Iran cultural exchange in three aspects: the highest level dialogue, the largest thought collision and the newly establishment of China-Iran think tank exchange platform---as among which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, NDRC of China, Renmin University of China and Iranian Foreign Affairs Ministry are going to sign the think tank's Memorandum of Understanding today."

Nearly 200 guests from the governments, think tanks, financial and business fields attended the opening ceremony of the dialogue. Both sides exchanged views on the topics such as the international hotspot issues, the comprehensive analysis for "Belt and Road Initiative", cooperation and challenges from the regional perspective and the development of the bilateral relationship between China and Iran.

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