World / China-Iran

Joint statement between China and Iran on the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (Full Text)

( Updated: 2016-01-23 22:38

2- In order to strengthen political consultations between senior officials on issues of mutual interest and to enhance mutual strategic trust, both sides reach consensus on establishing a mechanism of annual meetings between their Ministers of Foreign Affairs as well as periodic consultation meetings between their relevant regional Deputy-Ministers of Foreign Affairs.

3- Both sides emphasize the necessity of expanding relations between the central governments, provincial cooperation (local governments) as well as between their political groups and parties in order to exchange experiences and strengthen interactions in all fields.

4- Emphasizing the effective role of the legislating bodies of both countries in the expansion and development of ties, both sides emphasize enhancement of exchanges and cooperation between both countries' legislative bodies and parliaments in various fields and levels and as well as deliberation and consultation at relevant regional and international organizations such as the Asian Parliamentary Assembly and Inter-parliamentary Union.

5- Both sides strongly support each other regarding issues pertaining to their core interests such as independence, national sovereignty, and territorial integrity. The Iranian side continues its strong commitment to the One-China policy. The Chinese side supports the Iranian side’s "Development Plan" as well as increasing Iran’s role in regional and international affairs.

B- Executive Cooperation Domain

6- In view of the determination of both sides to expand relations between the two countries and the complementariness of their economic potentials as well as existence of numerous areas of joint cooperation such as energy, infrastructure, industry and technology, both sides agree to put consultations and discussions aimed at concluding a bilateral 25-year Comprehensive Cooperation Agreement on their agendas.

7- The Iranian side welcomes "the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road" initiative introduced by China. Relying on their respective strengths and advantages as well as the opportunities provided through the signing of documents such as the "MOU on Jointly Promoting the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road" and "MOU on Reinforcement of Industrial and Mineral Capacities and Investment", both sides shall expand cooperation and mutual investments in various areas including transportation, railway, ports, energy, industry, commerce and services.

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