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Russia prepares draft constitution for Syrian opposition

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-01-25 13:40

ASTANA - Representatives of Russian delegation who took part in peace talks on Syria on Tuesday presented a draft Constitution to the representatives of the armed opposition of Syria.

"We presented the draft of Constitution to the Syrian armed opposition, which was developed by Russian experts," said Alexander Lavrentyev, special representative of Russian President on Syria.

According to him, this was done to speed up the adoption of the Constitution of Syria and give it additional impetus.

Lavrentyev also called on the international community to help Syrian government and opposition to create conditions suitable for working on the project of new Syrian Constitution.

The Russian delegation advocates the creation of the Constitutional Committee consisting of the members of Syrian government and the opposition.

"We consider that it is correct to allow all Syrian opposition delegations to participate in the peace talks in Geneva. All opposition delegations should have competent representatives there," said Lavrentyev.

"The negotiations were quite difficult, but nonetheless quite effective. All the efforts exerted by Russian side to the peace talks have led to positive results," he told reporters.

International peace talks on Syria finished on Tuesday in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan. Delegations of the Syrian government and opposition, Russia, Turkey and Special Representative of the United Nations Staffan de Mistura took part in the talks.

US Ambassador to Kazakhstan George Krol participated in the international meeting as an observer.

Iran, Russia and Turkey have decided to establish a trilateral mechanism to reach a cease-fire in Syria.

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