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UN, AU pledge support for new Somalia leader

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-02-09 21:40

UN, AU pledge support for new Somalia leader

Somalia's newly elected President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo addresses lawmakers after winning the vote at the airport in Somalia's capital Mogadishu, February 8, 2017. [Photo/Agencies]

MOGADISHU - The United Nations (UN) and Africa Union (AU) have pledged their support for the newly elected Somalia president to help tackle daunting challenges that await his government.

In separate statements issued in Somalia on Wednesday night, the UN Assistance Mission in the country (UNSOM) and the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia congratulated former Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo on his election as Somalia's new president.

In his statement, SRCC for Somalia, Francisco Caetano Madeira appealed to the newly elected president and all leaders to work together in uniting the country by pursuing reconciliation to enable Somalia to tackle the political and socioeconomic challenges.

"I appeal to the new government that will be formed, to use the next four years in office, to enhance reconciliation and unity. The African Union remains committed to supporting you in your efforts to stabilize the country," Madeira said.

The AU envoy also lauded the Somalia National Security Forces and AMISOM for their commitment and hard work which provided an environment suitable for the successful completion of the electoral process.

Madeira said the last couple of months, leading to this momentous day, have no doubt been challenging for Somalia in its effort to bring peace and stability.

"The electoral process journey was intricate, requiring negotiations and compromises to overcome the challenges that once appeared insurmountable," he said.

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