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Foreign minister to attend key meetings in Germany

By Mo Jingxi | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-02-14 18:42

Foreign Minister Wang Yi will attend the unofficial foreign ministers' meeting of the G20 and the Munich Security Conference in Germany from Wednesday to Saturday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang announced on Tuesday.

Geng said China appreciates the productive work done by Germany to promote G20 cooperation and preparing for the group's summit in Hamburg in July, and will continue to support Germany hosting the summit.

According to Geng, the unofficial foreign ministers' meeting will discuss the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, maintaining peace and strengthening the partnership with Africa.

"China hopes that the meeting could implement the results of the Hangzhou summit, improve policy coordination, deepen cooperation, jointly deal with the major challenges faced by the world, and send positive signals supporting multilateralism, enhancing global governance, and building an innovative, interactive, open and inclusive world economy," he said.

"China will actively participate in the meeting's discussions and work with all parties to make it a success."

Geng also said that China is willing to take advantage of the Munich Security Conference, which is an important annual forum on international strategy and security, to strengthen communication with all parties.

Wang will also expound China's opinions and proposals on issues such as the current international situation and security cooperation, he added.

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