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Wang: Cooperation 'only option' for challenges on development

By ZHANG YUNBI | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-02-17 11:34

Reinforced cooperation is the "only option" for addressing challenges that cloud development, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said when attending the first session of the Group 20 Foreign Ministers Meeting in Bonn, Germany.

Wang made the remarks when speaking on the G20 member countries further implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was adopted by the United Nations members in 2015.

To achieve joint development, countries should build a new type of international relations focusing on mutual benefits and win-win cooperation and promote the innovative, interactive, open and inclusive world economy, Wang said.

Also, countries should narrow wealth disparity and achieve the rebalance of the globalization process to allow globalization unleash more positive effects, Wang said.

On China's efforts on implementing the Agenda, Wang said poverty alleviation is one of China's top priorities.

Last year, more than 10 million people in China escaped poverty and the country will reach the major goals outlined by the Agenda in advance, Wang said.

As China is promoting the Belt and Road Initiative, Wang said its goal is to boost the link among the development strategies and policies of various countries, introduce cooperation and achieve joint development.

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