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China, US agree to work for greater development of relations

Xinhua in Bonn, China Daily in Washington and Beijing | Updated: 2017-02-18 07:56

China, US agree to work for greater development of relations

Foreign Minister Wang Yi and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson meet on the sidelines of a gathering of foreign ministers of the G20 leading and developing economies at the World Conference Center in Bonn, Germany, on Friday. CHINA NEWS SERVICE

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his US counterpart Rex Tillerson agreed in Bonn on Friday that the two countries should work together for greater development of bilateral relations during US President Donald Trump's term. Wang and Tillerson met on the sidelines of the foreign ministers meeting of the Group of Twenty (G20) to exchange views on bilateral ties and issues of mutual concerns. The meeting is the first of its kind since Tillerson assumed office.

Wang said the recent telephone conversation between Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Trump had great significance.

During the conversation, Wang said the US side had made it clear that it would continue to honor the one-China policy and the two leaders agreed that China and the United States could be great partners and should promote greater development of their bilateral relationship from a new starting point.

This key consensus has safeguarded the political basis of Sino-US relations, charted the course of the relationship in the new era and created the necessary pre-conditions for the two nations to engage in strategic cooperation on bilateral, regional and global issues, Wang noted.

Wang said that China and the United States, both shouldering the responsibilities of securing world stability and enhancing global prosperity, had more common interests than disputes.

China is ready to work with the US side to implement the consensus reached between President Xi and President Trump, and move their bilateral relationship forward in the direction that features no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation, Wang said.

He said the two sides should increase communication, enhance trust, handle differences properly and deepen cooperation in a bid to ensure greater development of bilateral relations during Trump's presidency, bring tangible interests to the two countries' peoples and make more contributions to world peace and prosperity.

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