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Britons urged to donate library books

By BO LEUNG | China Daily UK | Updated: 2017-02-20 18:49

The organizers of a UK-based charity are urging people to donate books and supplies to help with the provision of libraries in schools and orphanages in poor regions of China.

The Books for Kids project was put together by charity Mothers' Bridge of Love. One of the charity's aims is to help bridge China's poverty gap.

Since MBL was set up in 2004, the group has built 22 school libraries in rural areas of China and supported children from Tibetan, Muslim and migrant communities, as well as those impacted by earthquakes in 2008 and 2012 in mountainous parts of Sichuan province.

Julie Zhu, volunteer and activity manager for MBL said: "When we give these books to the children in poorer areas of China, we see their desire for knowledge and reading. Many tell us they would like their parents to buy them books as gifts, rather than new clothes."

But Zhu said the group needs more donations to continue its efforts.

"We need textbooks for teaching, as well as literature books, in both Chinese and in English," she said.

Another aim of MBL is to help Chinese children who have been adopted into Western families connect with their birth culture and history.

"The families which we have supported, in turn help us in our causes by donating books and also we've reached out to publishing companies to donate the books," Zhu said. "We will continue to try our best to improve the living conditions in impoverished regions of China."

MBL volunteers travel to China, taking with them books, desks, chairs, bookcases, heaters, maps and globes for libraries.

Volunteers also carry out research to learn about how the charity can make a difference to children's lives.

"This project provides our volunteers with a learning experience. It is about interacting with a different culture," Zhu said. "We want to give the children hope after they see these books and our various donations. I would like to see schoolchildren from other backgrounds take the time to learn about those less fortunate than them as a way of developing self-understanding and compassion."

The charitable organization has provided assistance, advice and educational support to families around the world that includes medical treatment for disabled orphans, and a number of disaster relief and educational projects in China.

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