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Security Council fails to adopt resolution on Syria sanctions over chemical weapons

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-03-01 08:45

Security Council fails to adopt resolution on Syria sanctions over chemical weapons

Chinese Ambassador to the UN Liu Jieyi (C, front) votes against a UN Security Council draft resolution aiming to establish a sanctions regime over use of chemicals weapons in Syria at the UN headquarters in New York, on Feb 28, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]

UNITED NATIONS -- The UN Security Council on Tuesday failed to adopt a draft resolution aiming to impose sanctions over alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria as Russia and China vetoed it.

For the resolution drafted by Britain, France and the United States, nine council members voted in favor. Two veto-wielding powers Russia and China, along with Bolivia, voted against. Kazakhstan, Egypt, Ethiopia abstained.

If adopted, the draft resolution would have imposed asset freeze and travel bans on individuals and entities associated with the Syrian government based on allegations of chemical weapon attacks made by a joint probe of the UN and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

The joint inquiry has concluded in its reports that the Syrian government was involved in the use of toxic chemicals as weapons in three cases, and the Islamic States had used mustard gas in one case.

Chinese Ambassador to the UN Liu Jieyi told the council after the vote that investigations on the use of chemical weapons are still ongoing and "it is too early to reach a final conclusion."

He said the council should support the joint inquiry to carry out its investigations in a professional manner and make conclusions with accurate, detailed and solid evidence.

"We oppose the use of chemical weapons by any state, any organization and any individual under any circumstance," he added.

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