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UK works with Shenzhen on green buildings skills

By ANGUS McNEICE | China Daily UK | Updated: 2017-03-10 19:40

The UK's Building and Research Establishment is partnering with the University of Nottingham and the government of Shenzhen to roll out training in sustainable building development across China.

The proportion of Chinese people living in cities is expected to rise from 50 percent to 65 percent by 2030, and the government outlined plans in 2015 in its 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) to ensure new and existing buildings meet certain environmental standards.

BRE's sustainability assessment methods and the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method certification rating system, known as BREEAM, are internationally recognized. The training will ensure more alignment between BREEAM and China's domestic rating system, the Three Star Chinese Assessment Standard for Green Buildings.

Pauline Traetto, director of the BRE Academy, said: "China has committed to delivering sustainable buildings and many organizations agree that BREEAM really sets the bar. We go above and beyond to really achieve excellence in outstanding environmentally performing buildings."

BRE will collaborate with green building consultancy Shenzhen Nottingham Sustainable Development Institute, a joint-venture between the local government and the British university. The program will include courses for government officials, architects, engineers, developers and contractors from major Chinese cities, including Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin.

To date, 38 buildings in China have achieved BREEAM certification, after undergoing assessment. In 2015, the 180 meter tall No 1 Shanghai Tower became the first building in the country to achieve the BREEAM Outstanding rating.

During the last five years, BRE has worked on 62 projects in China, helping to ensure they meet BREEAM standard as well as China's own regulations and local green-building criteria.

Last year, the research center opened its first China office in Shenzhen, when Xu Qin, the city's mayor, said: "Our long-term partnership with BRE will allow us to collaborate on standards, research, and training to support us in achieving our goal of making Shenzhen the greenest city in China. We invite other leading UK organizations to come to Shenzhen and take advantage of our favorable economic trade policies and support the green building and urbanization program in Shenzhen and China."

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