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UN chief hopes to see accord improve lives in war-torn Syria

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-05-05 10:55
UN chief hopes to see accord improve lives in war-torn Syria

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres speaks at Financing for Peace: Innovations to Tackle Fragility session during the IMF/World Bank spring meetings in Washington, US, April 21, 2017. [Photo/Agencies]

UNITED NATIONS -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Thursday that he was encouraged by the signing of a new agreement on Syria, adding it will be crucial to improving the lives of Syrians.

The agreement was reached by guarantor countries Iran, Russia and Turkey to de-escalate violence in key areas in Syria, noted a statement issued here by UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric.

"The secretary-general welcomes the commitments to ceasing the use of all weapons, particularly aerial assets; to rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access; and to creating conditions for the delivery of medical aid and meeting civilians' basic needs," the statement said. "The commitments made should not affect the rights of Syrians to seek and enjoy asylum."

On Thursday, Russia, Iran and Turkey signed a memorandum in Kazakhstan's capital Astana on the creation of four safe zones in war-torn Syria. The countries will outline the maps by June 4.

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