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South Korea, US to hold summit meeting in late June

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-05-16 15:58

SEOUL - South Korea and the United States have agreed to hold a summit meeting in Washington in late June, the presidential Blue House said Tuesday.

Senior presidential press secretary Yoon Young-chan told a press briefing that the summit between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and US President Donald Trump will be held in late June in the US capital.

Detailed schedule and agenda for the summit will be discussed later through diplomatic channels, Yoon said.

The agreement on the summit was reached at a meeting between Matt Pottinger, a senior director for East Asia at the National Security Council of the White House and Chung Eui-yong, a former South Korean ambassador to Geneva who now leads Moon's security and diplomatic task force.

Pottinger who was leading a US delegation arrived here Monday evening. He paid a courtesy call to President Moon and delivered Trump's congratulations to Moon, according to the Blue House.

He is the first senior White House official visiting South Korea since President Moon was inaugurated last week.

The Blue House said South Korea and the United States agreed to seek a "bold and practical" measure for a denuclearized Korean Peninsula.

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