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China-Portugal ties enjoy unprecedented high -- China's top legislator

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-07-14 08:58

China-Portugal ties enjoy unprecedented high -- China's top legislator

Zhang Dejiang (L), chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC), meets with Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa in Lisbon, Portugal, July 11, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]

The Portuguese prime minister, for his part, said Portugal is an active supporter for and participant in the initiative.

Portugal is ready to deepen cooperation with China in such areas as new energy, agricultural products and infrastructure, as well as in culture, education and tourism, Costa said.

Costa added that Portugal welcomes more Chinese enterprises to invest in the country and will provide a fair and convenient business environment for them.

The Chinese legislature and Portuguese parliament should enhance cooperation to keep up with the general pace of bilateral ties, Zhang said during the meeting with his Portuguese counterpart, Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, on Wednesday.

Zhang said China's NPC is willing to join the Portuguese parliament in increasing cooperation between the legislative bodies of the two countries and push forward the China-Portugal comprehensive strategic partnership.

He also called for reinforcing friendly exchanges between the two countries at all levels and expanding people-to-people exchanges.

As Portugal is an important destination country for Chinese investment in Europe, Zhang expressed the hope that Portugal would ensure the legitimate rights of Chinese companies and investors in Portugal.

For his part, Rodrigues said Zhang's visit, the first by a top Chinese legislator to Portugal, has great significance in elevating cooperation between legislative bodies of the two countries and in deepening bilateral ties.

Rodrigues said Portugal regards the visit as an opportunity to strengthen cooperation between special committees and friendly groups of the two countries to promote the development of bilateral friendly relations.

Before the meeting, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation between China's NPC and the Portuguese parliament was inked by Zhang and Rodrigues.

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