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China 'anchor of stability', Wang tells UN

By Hong Xiao at the United Nations | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-09-22 12:38

Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that in a complex and volatile world, China is an "anchor of stability".

"The international configuration and balance of power has undergone profound changes; the traditional and non-traditional threats have become more salient; global growth lacks robust driving forces; the trend of anti-globalization goes rampant; the challenges for humankind to realize a lasting peace and orderly development are unprecedented," Wang said on Thursday.

He spoke during the general debate of the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly at UN headquarters in New York.

Wang recalled that two years ago at the UN President Xi Jinping called for the construction of new international relations, featuring win-win cooperation, to build a shared future for mankind.

"The concept, which is in line with the ultimate goal of the United Nations and highly consistent with the pursuit of the member states, has gained extensive understanding and support from the international community and become a common goal," he said.

"China has no genes of aggression and record of plunder, as President Xi solemnly swore: 'No matter to what extent we develop, China will never seek hegemony, expansion or sphere of influence,'" Wang said.

"China will always vote for the side of peace at the UN Security Council," Wang said firmly.

Wang said it was of great significance that the theme of the general debate was Focusing on People – Striving for Peace and a Decent Life for All on a Sustainable Planet.

Wang said China is an "engine of developing prosperity" and "booster of multilateralism".

Wang said that the UN has made an outstanding contribution to the cause of peace and development of humankind, but the UN's ideals have not yet been achieved, and all countries need to continue their efforts.

"In order for everyone to enjoy peaceful development and dignity, the spirit of the United Nations needs to be re-inherited, and the work of the UN needs to be re-established," Wang said.

Wang urged the five permanent members of the Security Council to play an exemplary role, follow the principles of no conflict, no confrontation, and mutual respect and win-win cooperation.

Members of the UN should treat each other equally, advocate dialogue instead of confrontation, and partnership instead of alliance, Wang said.

He said that countries should be faithful to justice; seek common ground while dealing with differences; and settle disputes peacefully and rationally.

On security, Wang said that comprehensive measures should be adopted to tackle terrorism on the surface and at its root.

"Tackling terrorism should be according to law, avoiding double standards, and do not label terrorism with national and religious labels," he said.

The UN should assume a coordinated role in promoting the formation of a global, united anti-terrorism front.

To solve hot issues, Wang said the political way is the fundamental way.

He said that over the past five years, China has made remarkable achievements in the development process.

Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee and President Xi Jinping, China has had brilliant achievements, and socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new historical stage, Wang said.

Wang believes China's progress will continue to bring greater peace, development and governance dividends to the world.

Wang also referenced China's economic achievements, such as the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in May, where more than 270 cooperation agreements were reached.

"We will build the Belt and Road, a road of peace, a road of prosperity, a road of openness and a road of civilization," Wang said.

"This millennium project will provide a new model for the promotion of world peace and development and inject new impetus in achieving the sustainable development goals of the 2030 agenda," he added.

Wang said that starting next year, China will host the China International Import Expo to increase the pace of opening up and provide a new impetus to the global economy.

Wang also spoke of China's even-handed approach.

"No matter how the international situation changes, China will stick to the path of multilateralism. We will assume the responsibility given by the United Nations and fulfill our due international obligations," he said.



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