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Xi, Putin agree to enhance strategic coordination, appropriately deal with DPRK nuclear test

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-09-04 00:59

Xi, Putin agree to enhance strategic coordination, appropriately deal with DPRK nuclear test

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Xiamen, Southeast China's Fujian province, Sept 3, 2017. Putin is in Xiamen to attend the ninth BRICS summit. [Photo/Xinhua]

For his part, Putin said it is significant for China and Russia to strengthen comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination and boost communication and coordination on major international and regional issues.

He said Russia stands ready for closer cooperation with China in such areas as investment, energy, agriculture, infrastructure, and aerospace and aviation.

The two countries should also increase exchanges in culture, education, sports, media and tourism as well as those at local levels. Military exchanges should be closer, he said.

While discussing international and regional issues, the two leaders agreed to appropriately deal with the DPRK's latest nuclear test.

The DPRK on Sunday successfully detonated a hydrogen bomb that can be carried by an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), DPRK's Central Television announced. This was the sixth nuclear test the DPRK has undertaken.

China's Foreign Ministry issued a statement, expressing firm opposition to and strong condemnation of the nuclear test.

Xi and Putin agreed to stick to the goal of denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula and keep close communication and coordination to deal with the new situation.

After the meeting, the two leaders visited an exhibition on intangible cultural heritage originated from southern Fujian province.

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