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President Xi eyes more stable, rapid development of ties with Britain

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-07-08 11:57

President Xi eyes more stable, rapid development of ties with Britain

President Xi Jinping meets with British Prime Minister Theresa May in Hamburg, Germany, July 7, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]

The two countries can also deepen cooperation in finance and nuclear energy sectors, as well as promote people-to-people exchanges, he added.

He said that cementing international coordination is a highlight in the development of bilateral relations.

The two countries should strengthen cooperation and coordination in international and regional issues, deepen exchanges within multilateral frameworks, such as the United Nations, the G20 and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Xi said.

China and Britain need to seek common ground while shelving differences, and preserve the overall development of bilateral ties through concrete efforts to achieve more stable, rapid and sound development of bilateral relations, he added.

May said that Britain is committed to boosting the global comprehensive strategic partnership for the 21st century between the two countries, and sticking to the general direction of the "Golden Era" of bilateral relations.

Britain values China's great influence on major global issues, while the two sides share common interests in many fields, she said.

Britain will give full play to the bilateral high-level dialogue mechanisms, expand cooperation with China in such fields as trade, investment, culture, and security, as well as closely communicate and coordinate with China on international and regional hotspot issues, she added.

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