World / Military

China urges Japan to watch steps in military, security areas

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-09-18 19:40

BEIJING - China on Friday urged the Japanese government to watch its military and security actions and do more things to contribute to regional peace and stability.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei made the remarks at a routine press briefing on Friday after a special committee under the upper house of the Japanese national Diet passed a controversial government-backed security-related bill amid chaos in the chamber.

"We have noticed that voices in Japan opposing the bills have become louder by the day," Hong said.

The Japanese ruling camp led by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe secured the majority in the upper house, meaning that the controversial bills might be approved in the upcoming plenary.

The opposition parties said earlier that if the bills were approved by the committee, they might launch accountability resolution against the prime minister and no-confidence motion against Abe's cabinet in a move to delay the vote.

"We hope the Japanese government could listen carefully to the voice of justice both at home and abroad," said Hong.

The bills, if enacted, will allow the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (SDF) to engage in armed conflicts overseas, even if Japan is not under attack.

Hong said for historical reasons, Japan's policy changes in the military and security areas have been closely watched by its Asian neighbors and the international community.

Japanese army invaded many Asian countries and committed numerous hideous war crimes during World War II.

"We hope that the Japanese government would learn from history and stick to the path of peaceful development." Hong said.

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