World / Exchanges

China calls for more people-to-people exchanges with Japan

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-10-30 20:38

BEIJING - State Councilor Yang Jiechi on Friday urged China and Japan to properly handle their disputes and enhance people-to-people exchanges.

Yang made the remarks while meeting with General Council Chair of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Toshihiro Nikai.

Yang called for both countries to improve ties based on the four political documents signed by the two countries, and the four-point principled agreement they reached in November.

The foundation of Sino-Japanese friendship lies in the people, Yang said, adding that improving people-to-people exchanges and trade cooperation would create favorable conditions for improving ties.

Nikai said he was willing to promote closer exchanges in such areas as trade, economy, culture, afforestation and youth contact, vowing to contribute to the improvement of the relationship. Enditem

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