World / Highlights

Backgrounder: The US role in the Diaoyu Islands dispute

[2014-04-25 13:09]

The Diaoyu Islands, known to the Japanese as the Senkaku, consist of five uninhabited islets and three barren rocks.

Former US envoy honors Nanjing victims

[2014-04-25 07:13]

Former US ambassador to China Gary Locke paid an unexpected visit to the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall on Thursday, saying "history cannot be forgotten".

Obama criticized for Diaoyu Islands remarks

[2014-04-24 02:14]

US President Barack Obama, in a statement ahead of his visit to Tokyo, expresses support for Japan in the event of a conflict over China's Diaoyu Islands.

Cold War policy

[2014-04-23 15:02]

After the World Wall II, Japan was required to return all territories it conquered in Treaty of Shimonoseki to China.

Comfort women

[2014-04-22 16:29]

One of the greatest tragedies was the plight of conformant women, young and innocent girls forced to sex slavery in military brothels in occupied countries.

Nanjing Massacre

[2014-04-21 21:32]

Japan assassinated China's warlord Zhang Zuolin to conquer Manchuria in 1928, faked Chinese sabotage as a pretext for military action, and forces Chinese slaver labors to grow opium,. Japan slaughtered over 300,000 Chinese in Nanjing in 1937.

Abe's Yasukuni offering a slap in Obama's face

[2014-04-21 14:48]

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made a ritual offering to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine in yet another provocative move detrimental to regional stability.

The Truth of Diaoyu Islands - episode four

[2014-04-15 18:22]

Hollywood writer and director Chris D. Nebe’s 40-minute documentary which traces the history of the Diaoyu Islands premiered last month.

The Truth of Diaoyu Islands - episode three

[2014-04-15 18:22]

Hollywood writer and director Chris D. Nebe’s 40-minute documentary which traces the history of the Diaoyu Islands premiered last month.

The Truth of Diaoyu Islands - episode two

[2014-04-15 18:22]

Hollywood writer and director Chris D. Nebe’s 40-minute documentary which traces the history of the Diaoyu Islands premiered last month.

The Truth of Diaoyu Islands - episode one

[2014-04-15 18:22]

Hollywood writer and director Chris D. Nebe’s 40-minute documentary which traces the history of the Diaoyu Islands premiered last month.

'Japan's nuclear stockpile excessive'

[2014-03-25 09:41]

China has added its voice to international concerns over Japan's large stockpile of nuclear materials, saying the Japanese have exceeded their needs in nuclear power.