World / Opinions

Japan can't buy pride by fabricating its history of war crimes

[2017-06-07 07:35]

Toshio Motoya, president of Tokyo-based land developer and operator of APA Group, is again playing his favorite game of manipulating historical evidence through a new book, which hit bookstores on Friday. In his latest book, The Real History of Japan: Japan Pride, Motoya continues to deny that Japanese troops were responsible for the Nanjing Massacre in 1937-38. He even goes further to blame Chinese soldiers for the looting and killings.

Abe aims to unchain Japan from the postwar regime

[2017-05-08 07:38]

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has waited for the right time to show his hand. And the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, by test-firing missiles and threatening to conduct another nuclear test, has given Abe the ruse.

Tokyo Bay area a lesson in development

[2017-05-08 07:19]

China could learn from the experience of Tokyo Bay area how to develop the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Bay Area, which this year's Government Work Report lists as a central government mission.

Surveys indicate majority of Chinese, Japanese label nations' ties as 'poor'

[2016-09-24 07:39]

Seventy percent of people in China and Japan consider the countries' bilateral relations important, according separate surveys conducted in the two countries.

Japan's moves risk creating a new Cold War

[2016-04-05 07:49]

Many people in Japan call the new laws "war legislation," fearing the nation will either enter, or be dragged into, military conflicts that are not of its making.

Japan 'must not flare up tension'

[2016-03-10 02:12]

Tokyo must not "flare up tension in the South China Sea" or try to contain China by aligning with other countries involved in disputes there, says China’s ambassador.

Low expectations of Seoul summit necessary

[2015-10-29 07:49]

It may be the time for the three nations in this region to seriously consider what they should and could do to ameliorate the fate of humanity in the days ahead.

Business sentiment among Japanese companies in China improves

[2015-09-24 07:52]

Most of the Japanese companies in China are willing to expand their operations, signaling improved business sentiment after a sharp contraction last year.

Time for Abe to stop leading Japan astray

[2015-09-17 07:55]

Abe is hell-bent on setting up more obstacles on the road to reconciliation between Japan and its Asian neighbors, especially China and the Republic of Korea.

China's advantage to avoid 'Japan syndrome'

[2015-09-15 08:16]

China is likely to replace the United States as the world's largest consumer market, which by all means would be good news for the rest of the world.

Abe's talk of proactive peace fails to convince

[2015-09-14 08:44]

Abe is trying to sweeten the bills that are unpopular with much of the public by talking of "proactive pacifism".

Onus to resolve historical issues lies with Japan

[2015-09-08 09:06]

As Japan holds the key to resolving the historical issues, it needs to remove the principal obstacle to political reconciliation in Asia. Without rapprochement, distrust and suspicion grow and breed nationalism that strains country-to-country relationship.

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