World / Paris climate conference

Xi to deliver climate change plan in Paris

By Zhao Huanxin (China Daily) Updated: 2015-11-26 07:47

President Xi Jinping will present China's proposals on countering climate change at the opening of the UN climate conference in Paris at the end of the month, before visiting Zimbabwe and South Africa.

On the sidelines of the two-week conference, which will begin on Monday, Xi will meet with French President Francois Hollande and US President Barack Obama, Vice-Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin said on Wednesday.

"They will talk about other international issues of common concern, but their focus will be on climate change, ... about how to ensure that the climate change meeting is a success," Liu told a news conference in Beijing.

He said the attendance of world leaders in France will "lend political impetus" to the meeting.

On Tuesday, US Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes said Obama's meetings with Xi and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the start of the climate summit will "send a strong message to the world about their strong commitment to climate change".

Liu said China expected the climate summit to yield a "comprehensive and balanced" agreement. The conference should push for more concrete actions from developed countries, he said, adding that these countries are expected to honor their commitments to offer financing and technology to developing countries.

"The principles of equity, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities should be highlighted, since they reflect the fact that developed countries have made a greater historical contribution to climate change," Liu said.

After a stay of less than two days in Paris, Xi will make a state visit to Zimbabwe on Dec 1 and 2. From Dec 2 to 5, he will visit South Africa, where he will chair the Johannesburg Summit of the Forum for China-Africa Cooperation.

"This will be a historic visit of the highest level, having the most significant influence on Sino-African relations and bringing about our most extensive cooperation," Vice-Foreign Minister Zhang Ming said at the same news conference.

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