World / China-South Africa

Xi extends congratulations on opening of China-Africa media summit

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-12-01 18:57

CAPE TOWN, South Africa - Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday offered congratulations on the opening of the China-Africa media summit, extending sincere welcome to all media representatives present at the gathering in Cape Town, South Africa.

In his congratulatory message, Xi said that the summit, which brings together members of the media from China and Africa for discussions and exchanges of ideas, is very significant.

China and Africa are a community of common destiny that shares weal and woe, and friendly cooperation between the two sides will help enhance the welfare of 2.4 billion people, Xi said.

In pursuing the road of peace and development, China and Africa should be reliable and sincere friends forever, and their concerted efforts will help build a new type of international relations with cooperation and win-win situation at the core, Xi said.

The Chinese president stressed that media are channels for exchanges between China and Africa and bridges connecting the hearts of their peoples.

The two sides have ample scope for future cooperation, Xi said.

The summit is hosted by the State Council Information Office of China. Present at the event are some 200 leaders of leading media organizations from China and Africa.

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