World / Paris climate conference

China stands as constructive player in global fight against climate change

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-12-11 16:27

"His comments show that China is ready to step into a pivotal role in reaching common ground on key issues here in Paris," Morgan added.

Although it is and will still be a developing country for a long time to come, China has been actively engaged in the global campaign on climate change, now topping the world in terms of energy conservation and utilization of new and renewable energies.

Moreover, climate change efforts are already integrated into China's medium- and long-term program of economic and social development, and ecological endeavors features prominently in China's 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020).

China will, on the basis of technological and institutional innovation, adopt new policy measures to improve the industrial mix, build low-carbon system, develop green building and low-carbon transportation and establish a nationwide carbon-emission trading market, according to Xi.

"As the largest developing country, China's efforts in climate change have 'spill-over' and 'model' effects globally," said Zhang Haibin, a professor with Peking University.

For today's China, to act on climate change is not only driven by its domestic needs for sustainable development, but also driven by its sense of responsibility to fully engage in global governance, and to forge a community of shared destiny for humankind.

Li Junfeng, director of the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation, said the announcement of the 2030 goal shows China's resolution to follow a path of green and low-carbon development.

"This is not at request by others but on our own initiative," Li said.

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