World / FOCAC

Development optimism rises with FOCAC

[2015-12-08 10:04]

Development optimism rises across the African continent, and a new chapter has opened for China-Africa relations. The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation summit 2015 had concluded in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Xi Jinping breaks new ground for China-African relations

[2015-12-08 09:53]

China and Africa enjoy a long history of traditional friendship. China's founding leaders Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai and the older generation of African leaders broke new ground for China-Africa relations with mutual support.

Xi's proposals chart course for future Sino-African ties

[2015-12-06 19:27]

The new initiatives launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday during a landmark summit to boost comprehensive cooperation with Africa will inject a strong impetus into the development in both China and Africa, and chart a clear course for an all-round partnership between the two sides.

Chinese president back home after visits to Paris, Africa

[2015-12-06 17:34]

Chinese President Xi Jinping returned to Beijing Sunday afternoon after a week-long tour to France, Zimbabwe and South Africa.

Xi's whistle-stop tour cements place on world stage

[2015-12-06 17:00]

President Xi Jinping offered China's solutions to global warming and modernizing a less-developed continent in a week-long visit to three countries.

China, Africa map out strategic vision for win-win co-op with action plan

[2015-12-06 15:32]

Chinese President Xi Jinping and African leaders rounded off a landmark summit here Saturday with a unanimous consensus to upgrade China-Africa relations backed by a roadmap for further boosting mutually beneficial cooperation and common development.

Cartoon commentary, President Xi's France, Zimbabwe, South Africa visit⑥: Reflecting on diplomatic landscape with Chinese characteristics

[2015-12-06 21:58]

The Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) ended on Dec 5 and Chinese President Xi Jinping flew back to Beijing.

African politicians, scholars laud Xi's speech at FOCAC summit

[2015-12-06 11:42]

African politicians and scholars commended the speech delivered by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Johannesburg, saying it charted the course for the future development of China-Africa cooperation.

African experts hail China's move to strengthen cooperation with Africa

[2015-12-06 11:39]

Experts on Saturday hailed China's decision to strengthen its cooperation with Africa through a rollout of 10 major China-Africa cooperation plans and an offer of 60 billion U.S. dollars of funding support.

Xi's Paris, Africa trips highlight joint efforts in climate battle, promote common development: Chinese FM

[2015-12-06 07:37]

The president unveiled a grand vision on improving global governance and launched concrete actions, fully demonstrating China's commitment.

Tech firms eye growth as China, Africa boost ties

[2015-12-06 07:32]

It was the first time for China's major technology companies to exhibit their mainstream products together in Africa.

Chinese, African leaders upgrade relations as historic summit closes

[2015-12-06 07:13]

Xi, who proposed the upgrade one day earlier, made the announcement before the landmark two-day gathering draws to an end.

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