Love stories

Boy collects leftover vegetables for sick mother

Updated: 2011-05-17 10:29
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A boy in Dalian, Liaoning province, collects rotten vegetables every day to feed his mother who has an incurable disease.

Ten-year-old Wang Kesen, gets up before dawn and goes to a nearby market carrying a bag to pick up the rotting vegetables that vendors do not sell. After school he cooks them and helps his mum clean herself every night.

Wang Shuqin, 41, was an unmarried mother and was diagnosed with lupus erythematosus, a chronic autoimmune disorder, last June. But she had to leave hospital as she could not afford the medical fees.

The mother, who once was a hairdresser, fell in love with a man when she settled in Dalian 10 years ago, but after she gave birth to the boy, the man left her. Now, she worries about her son's future life and hopes someone can adopt him after she passes away.
