World / Reporter's Journal

Chinese visitors: America needs more real Chinese food

[2014-03-19 11:07]

For Qiao Ling, a Shanghainese who has lived in Washington for the past few months, one of her wishes is to find an authentic Chinese restaurant exactly like those in her hometown.

Energy startups on same wavelength

[2014-03-18 11:01]

Harnessing the energy of ocean waves is a concept that is at least 200 years old, but a clear technology has yet to surface.

Cotton import curbs spark 'uncertainty': US grower says

[2014-03-17 11:13]

Economist Stephen Roach has written, the world's two largest economies resemble a co-dependent couple locked in an uncomfortable embrace.

Malaysia air tragedy: Justice will come, someday

[2014-03-13 12:56]

Doubts, tension and frustration are mounting as a fruitless search for the missing Boeing 777-200 jet operated by Malaysia Airlines enters its fifth day.

How does the American Dream come true? It all depends

[2014-03-12 10:56]

A new study of second-generation immigrants in Los Angeles challenges that notion by widening the frame of the lens we use to view success.

College graduates still struggling in job market

[2014-03-11 11:04]

The Chinese government has been excellent in creating jobs with a total of 13.1 million jobs added in 2013, compared with only 2.2 million in the United States. And in his government work report last Wednesday, Premier Li Keqiang pledged to create at least another 10 million jobs this year.

Yao Ming puts his weight behind campaign against obesity

[2014-03-10 12:04]

Like the agile basketball star he proved to be, Yao Ming is in the right place at the right time. The 7-foot-6 former Houston Rockets center - a role model for China's youth - is advising the Chinese government on dealing with a population that is increasingly unhealthy and obese.

New partnership good news for world design

[2014-03-06 12:17]

Qin Yun, chairman of Shanghai Xian Dai Architectural Design Group, led a delegation from his firm to visit Los Angeles this week.

East Asian trade talks grind on ahead

[2014-03-05 11:04]

The fourth round of negotiations for a trilateral FTA began on Tuesday in Seoul, capital of South Korea, aimed at setting the overall level of market openings.

The bitter truth about too much sugar leaves bad taste

[2014-03-04 12:39]

Michelle Obama was in the news recently, unveiling proposed changes to the way American food and drink manufacturers label what's in the stuff they sell.

Michigan benefits from long-sighted ties building with Chinese

[2014-03-03 12:00]

In business, Rick Snyder says, deals are not the way to success - "It's building a relationship that goes on for years".

China ignores ticking time bomb of increasing waistlines

[2014-02-27 12:08]

One of the many problems that China and the United States could join together to fight is seen in both countries: exploding waistlines.