Aso: Japan can produce, possess nuclear weapons

2006-11-30 11:32:30

Japan has the technological know-how to produce a nuclear weapon but has no immediate plans to do so, the foreign minister said Thursday, several weeks after North Korea carried out a nuclear test.

IAEA chief supports talks on DPRK nuclear issue

2006-11-24 10:58:50

Mohamed ElBaradei, director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), on Thursday welcomed the positive signals sent by relevant parties about the resumption of talks on the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula.

Mongolian PM pledges to support UN resolution on DPRK

2006-11-23 15:01:15

Mongolian Prime Minister Mieagombo Enkhbold pledged support Thursday for UN sanctions on North Korea and expressed confidence his government would see out its term despite calls at home for elections.

Countries must unite on N.Korea sanctions - experts

2006-11-21 10:41:59

UN sanctions can only have a chance at persuading North Korea to rethink its nuclear weapons program if all countries join in strongly supporting and implementing the penalties, former US government experts said on Monday.

Most Japanese favor non-nuclear policy

2006-11-20 13:57:47

Nearly 80% of Japanese favor preserving the country's anti-nuclear weapons policy amid ongoing debate over whether Japan should re-examine its stance.

Japan bans export of luxury goods to N.Korea

2006-11-14 09:54:44

Japan on Tuesday decided to impose a ban on exporting luxury goods to North Korea in a move experts say could dent morale among the nation's elite who receive such items as perks.

US envoy sees total agreement North Korea

2006-11-09 14:38:54

A top US envoy has said Washington is in lockstep with its partners including China and Russia on how to defuse the North Korean nuclear crisis.

Diplomatic victory for China

2006-11-01 09:27:00

Three weeks after conducting its first nuclear test, which sent shockwaves round the world, North Korea yesterday agreed to return to the negotiating table.

Bush cautious on N. Korea nuke turnabout

2006-11-01 09:17:53

In a surprise turnabout, North Korea agreed Tuesday to return to six-nation disarmament talks just three weeks after rattling the world by conducting an atomic bomb test.

Japan FM calls for nuclear policy debate

2006-10-24 17:21:27

Japan's foreign minister said Tuesday that the country should openly debate whether to develop its own nuclear deterrent following North Korea's atomic test, while stressing that the government doesn't support such a move.

Russia urges caution after nuclear test

2006-10-24 17:13:15

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Tuesday cautioned other participants in talks on North Korea against taking hasty steps that could inflame the situation following Pyongyang's October 9 nuclear test.

Lavrov, Rice meet on DPRK nuclear issue

2006-10-23 15:39:13

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met in Moscow to discuss the nuclear issue of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), the Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.