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Liu Xiang says he takes Asian Games "seriously"

Updated: 2006-11-25 09:51
Men's 110m hurdles world record holder Liu Xiang on Thursday rubbished claims that he cares nothing about the upcoming Asian Games in Doha, Qatar.
Liu Xiang says he takes Asian Games
Olympic champion hurdler Liu Xiang undergoes intensive training at Er'sha Island training base in south China's Guangdong Province November 10,2006.Liu Xiang is preparing for the upcoming Doha Asian Games to be held from December 1st to 15th. [Xinhua]Liu Xiang says he takes Asian Games

"The Asian Games is also a competition where you can win honors for your country. How can I care nothing about it? I take it seriously instead," said Liu, who is training in south China's Guangzhou for his last preparation for the games.

Liu will be China's star No. 1 in Doha and many Chinese reports said that as the world record holder and Olympic champion, he is more willing to compete in major IAAF competitions like the world championships, the Olympic Games and other Grand Prix meets.

Liu's coach Sun Haiping said after a tough season, it is not as easy as imagined for Liu to go to Doha to satisfy the fan's never higher expectations.

"He is the defending champion, the world record holder. Our aim is not only to win, but to win in style," Sun said.

Chinese sports authorities have rested many of their top athletes in China's dominant disciplines to give more chances to their youngsters, medal hopefuls for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. But Liu is an exception.

"He is the ambassador to China's sports. His appearance at Doha is very important," said Sun.

Liu won the Asian Games champion four years ago in Busan, South Korea, in 13.27 seconds. Sun said their aim is to run better than that.

"He has been keeping a very good form during the training. It should be no problem to run a time around 13.10 in Doha," Sun said.

To focus on his training, Liu will not bear China's national flag at the opening ceremony on December 1.

"We would have to get to Doha several days ahead of our match schedule if he became the flag bearer. That's no good for his training and competition," Sun said.

Sun added that Liu will fly to Doha on December 4.