International SOS specializes in sustainable risk mitigation
By Jing Shuiyu | China Daily | Updated: 2018-08-23 10:50

Please use three words to describe China's changes in the past 40 years.
Growth: China replaced Japan as the second-largest global economy after the US in 2011. It maintained double-digit growth for many years and continues with rapid growth of around 7 percent now.
Globalization: China has benefited from its opening-up and has contributed to globalization. China contributes more than 30 percent to global economic growth, becoming a key force in stabilizing and driving the world economy.
Innovation: China has the potential to meet its 'innovation imperative' and to emerge as a driving force in innovation globally. The country will be a growing source of innovation to serve the needs of an enormous and increasingly demanding market, and we have seen many successful innovative enterprises and national programs, such as the high-speed rail.
What's the biggest challenge China faces today and how can the country overcome it?
Sustainability is an opportunity and a challenge for global businesses. China shares similar challenges.
Significant policy adjustments are required in order to ensure China's growth remains sustainable. In addition, China will need to grow its soft-power, particularly in corporate governance, which will further benefit Chinese enterprises' globalization moves.
As the world's leading medical and security assistance company, we at International SOS strive to help companies achieve business resilience and sustainability through a robust and proactive risk mitigation program.
International SOS helps organizations protect their global workforce from health and security threats. With innovative technology and medical expertise focused on prevention, offering real-time, actionable insights and on-the-ground quality delivery, we support organizations to meet compliance reporting needs for good governance.
How has your company benefited from China's reform and opening-up policy?
We are strongly committed to the Chinese market. We have benefited from China's fast development in recent decades. The country represents one of our two fastest-growing markets, along with the United States.
International SOS was one of the first international companies to bring its business to the Chinese mainland following the country's opening-up. We provide international standard medical and security risk mitigation programs, as well as well-being solutions for corporations operating in China and Chinese companies operating in global markets.
Today we are working in partnership with nearly 70 percent of the Fortune Global 500. We also help look after the employees of China's leading State-owned enterprises, private companies and government organizations.
How do you view China's role in the world today?
With a population of more than 1.3 billion, China is the world's second-largest economy and is increasingly playing an important role globally. The country has been the largest contributor to world growth and can become the stabilizer for the latest stage of globalization.
We can take the example of the sustainable development goals, which are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The Belt and Road Initiative will be an important international state-to-state collaboration program for building infrastructure around the world, which will continue to make Chinese and partner economies more competitive, to narrow development gaps and to help create a sustainable and prosperous world. International SOS is well-positioned and ready to contribute our share to aid Chinese enterprises as they venture out on the BRI.
Could China's experiences and practices be used to solve global problems?
The Chinese economy has maintained strong growth, and is now moving to a more sustainable growth model.
China's leaders have said that the world is expecting the country to become the stabilizer for the latest round of glo-balization, and we believe China can help build an open global economy thanks to its experience in reform and opening-up.
In addition, its experience, practices and investments in the countries involved in the BRI can help boost economic development and reduce poverty in these countries, which will be another significant contributor to ensure the world continues to develop in a more sustainable direction.
China's visionary strategies benefit Chinese companies and international companies such as International SOS.