Readers: No need to panic amid virus outbreak | Updated: 2020-02-07 15:22
Editors note: On the front line, China has strengthened its ability to combat the novel coronavirus outbreak, not only protecting Chinese people, but also preventing the spread of the virus to other countries. Since the outbreak, the Chinese government has put paramount importance on prevention and control measures and is working with the international community in a spirit of openness, transparency and scientific coordination. China Daily Forum readers share their views.
truthhurt (US)
No need to panic.
Since you all know by now, about that alarming coronavirus outbreak which started from a person or people consuming some rare wildlife.
On the bright side, this widespread and alarming epidemic that we all see and hear in news media worldwide should serve as a wake-up call to ban and cease consuming wildlife and exotic animals as food.
Also, remember, around 650,000 people die of flu, during the flu season, every year.